15 August 2014
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Its about 18 years since John started singing training programs and raising talents. Below you can see few different pictures in different places.
Receiving award from Amina Chifupa
From Christian Promoters Ltd
11 August 2014
Bill Gates na familia yake wapo likizo kwenye boti (yacht) waliyokodi kwa tshs bilioni 8 kwa wiki!!
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Katika kudhihirisha mafanikio na baraka za Mungu, Bill gates atumia mabioni ya fedha ili kujipa raha.Katika boti hiyo helikopta zinamchukua Gates kumpeleke nchi kavu kucheza
golf na kumrudisha
Ni tajiri namba moja duniani mwenye utajiri
unaofikia dola bilioni 79.2 hivyo kutumia shilingi bilioni nane kwa wiki si
kitu kinachoweza kumpunguzia chochote Bill Gates.
Na ndio maana Bill Gates yupo
mapumzikoni ambayo tunategemea kwa mtu tajiri zaidi duniani ayafanye.
Muonekano wa sehemu moja wapo ya ndani
Tajiri huyo amekodi meli binafsi
maarufu yacht ambayo analipa dola milioni 5 (zaidi ya shilingi bilioni 8) kwa
The Serene Gates yupo kwenye boti hiyo kubwa na mke wake Melinda na watoto wake Rory, Jennifer na Phoebe nchini Italia. Mwanzilishi huyo wa Microsoft ameamua kupumzika kwa kukodi yacht hiyo iitwayo The Serene yenye ukubwa wa futi 436 inayomilikiwa Yuri Scheffler.
The Serene Gates yupo kwenye boti hiyo kubwa na mke wake Melinda na watoto wake Rory, Jennifer na Phoebe nchini Italia. Mwanzilishi huyo wa Microsoft ameamua kupumzika kwa kukodi yacht hiyo iitwayo The Serene yenye ukubwa wa futi 436 inayomilikiwa Yuri Scheffler.
Historia kwa
Gates - (William
Henry Gates III) Mwanzilishi wa kampuni
ya Microsoft, mtu tajiri sana duniani na mwanzilishi
wa mashirika yasiyo ya kiserikali.
Gates ni mwanzilishi, mwenyekiti na mbinifu mkuu wa programu za kampuni
ya ya Microsoft, kampuni ya programu yenye mafanikio zaidi duniani,
inayoaminika kwa utengenezaji wa programu zilizo na nguvu na ubunifu hali
zikiwa bado zenye utumizi mwepesi. Microsoft sasa inaajiri zaidi ya watu elfu
hamsini na tano katika nchi themanini na tano.
Gates III H
anajulikana kama Bill Gates alizaliwa tarehe 28 Oktoba 1955 na kulelewa katika
kijiji cha Seattle pamoja na dada zake wawili. Katika umri
wake mdogo Bill Gates alivutiwa na utengenezaji wa programu akiwa katika
mojawapo wa shule kijijini Seattle. Akiwa huko shuleni Seattle, Bill
Gates alikutana na Paul Allen,
mwanafunzi mwenzake wakawa marafiki. Hapo ndipo wakaanza kutumia tarakilishi
ndogo ya shule kujiendeleza ujuzi wao.
na kampuni ya kompyuta, malipo yao ikiwa ni kutumia tarakilishi
yenye nguvu zaidi. Kazi yao ilikuwa ni kutafuta nukshi katika mitambo ya kompyuta,
wakati huohuo waliweza kijifunza lugha mpya za kompyuta. Bill akaenda kwenye Chuo Kikuu cha Harvard.
Kwa mara nyingine tena akajiunga pamoja na Paulo kuandika toleo jipya la
programu ya Msingi wa lugha ya kwanza ya kompyuta ya kibinafsi, iitwayo Altair
8800.Kampuni hiyo iliridhishwa na kazi ambayo Bill Gates na Paul Allen
waliofanya na programu hiyo ikapewa leseni. Jambo hili liliwachangia Gates na
Allen Kuanzisha kampuni ya Microsoft, iliyokuwa ikitengenezea kampuni zingine
programu. Bill Gates aliacha masomo yake katika chuo kikuu cha Harvard na
kujishughulisha muda wake wote katika biashara.
yao yalikuja walipotengeneza mfumo wa kuendesha kompyuta uitwao MS-DOS
uliotumika katika kompyuta ya kwanza ya kibinafsi ya IBM. Baadaye waliweza
kuzishawishi kampuni zingine zinazotengeneza kompyuta kutumia mfumo huo wa
MS-DOS. Mfumo huu mpya wa MS-DOS ulipata umaarufu katika soko miaka ya 1980 na
baadaye, Microsoft pia ilianza kutengeneza programu kama vile neno sindikizi.
ilitangaza mfumo mpya wa uendeshaji wa kompyuta uitwao Windows 1.0 mwaka
wa 1983, ambao ulikuwa na grafiksi bora na pia uliwezesha kufanya zaidi ya
jambo moja kwa wakati mmoja. Hata hivyo hakuwa bidhaa nyingine iliyotolewa
miaka mbili baadaye hadi mwaka wa 1985, kwa kuwa ni programu chache zilizoweza
kuendeshwa katika mfumo huu wa Windows 1.0. Hivyo mfumo huu mpya haukupata
umaarufu vile.
cha miaka mitano baadaye Microsoft ilitoa mifumo mipya ya Windows 2.0 iliyokuwa
bora zaidi kuliko mifumo ya hapo awali. Kampuni ya Microsoft iliweza kupata
umaarufu zaidi katika soko la hisa, na akiwa umri wa miaka 31, Bill Gates
aliweza kuwa bilionea mchanga zaidi katika historia ya Marekani.
mwaka wa 1990 Microsoft ikiongozwa na Bill Gates ilitoa toleo jipya la Windows liitwayo
Windows 3.0 na kuboreshwa kiasi GUI. Toleo hili jipya liliweza kuuzwa zaidi ya
nakala milioni kumi, likifuatiwa na matoleo mengine ya Windows 3.1, 3.11 na
makundi ya kazi ambayo yaliongeza misaada kwa mitandao. Kutokana na mafanikio
yao ya maendeleo, Microsoft ilitoa matoleo mengine ya Windows 95 ikifuatiwa na
Windows 98, 2000, Millennium Edition na toleo la sasa Windows XP. Kila
toleo jipya lilipotolea kampuni ya Microsoft ilizidi kupata umaarufu katika
soko la hisa, ikiongezwa na baadhi ya programu kama vile
Microsoft Office
, michezo n.k. Umaarufu huu
umemfanya Bill Gates kuwa mtu tajiri duniani myenye thamani ya wastani wa dola
bilioni arubaini na sita.
Gates pia ana maslahi katika biashara nyingine akiwa na nafasi nyingi za
uwekezaji na vyeo katika kampuni tofauti ikiwemo Corbis Corporation, Berkshire
Hathaway Inc, Teledesic Corporation. Mwaka wa 1998 Gates alijitoa jukumu
lake kama Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa kampuni ya Microsoft na kuzingatia maendeleo ya
teknolojia na bidhaa mpya.
Gates alifanya ndoa na Melinda French Gates mwaka wa 1994 na wakabarikiwa na
watoto watatu, Jennifer, Rory na Fibi. Wote wawili Bill na Melinda ni
waanzilishi wa mashirika yasiyo ya kiserikali. Waliweza kulianzisha shirika la
Bill na Melinda Gates Foundation ambalo limeweza kuchangia zaidi ya dola
bilioni tatu nukta mbili kuboresha afya duniani, dola bilioni mbili kuboresha
fursa ya masomo kwa familia zisizojiweza. Zaidi ya hayo limeweza pia kuchangia
dola milioni mia nne sabini na saba kwa miradi ya jamii na zaidi ya dola
milioni mia nne themanini na nane kwa miradi maalum na kampeni za kuhamasisihwa
kila mwaka.
wa Bill Gates wa kutengeneza programu umekuwa mchango wake katika mapinduzi ya
kompyuta na sayansi ya kompyuta.
7 August 2014
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John with the children at shalom orphanage centre - karatu
Help me to help them
I have been in Arusha and Manyara
regions visiting disadvantages people and orphanage center . I am now settled
in and started volunteering at the orphanage in full force. The children are
wonderful, full of love and laughter. I help the youngest kids in a way I can include
raising their talents, I teach the older kids some English and then they have
taken me on a few walks around the area. I had a chance to sit down and talk
with the founder and local volunteer to learn more about the organization. Here
is the inspirational yet heart wrenching story.
One of the interest center is shalom orphanage center:
Mama Warra is an amazing lady and the children and staff at
Shalom are full of love.
Mama Warra wants to empower these children to know how
important it is to continue to help and sharing to others what they have. These
children have no iPods, no cell phones, no video games new clothes and on
Christmas Day they go into town to meet the street children and bring them
food, pencils, clothes, and toys – all items that were donated to them and they
then share these gifts and give them to other children who do not have a place
like Shalom, they call it “Celebrate Christmas Donated By Shalom.”
Shalom believes that every child has a dream and it is their hope to give these children an opportunity to use their skills and gifts to reach their full potential and see their dreams become reality. They can’t do this on their own there is a high demand for support. Below is more information or you can email me directly at touchingvoice@yahoo.com if you would like to help this great NGO, it is something I have now become very passionate about and would like to do all I can to help.
How you can help
Financial and Material Support:
• There is a high demand to purchase items on their daily wish list including food, first aid supplies, tooth paste and brushes, cooking oil, soap, medical care, etc.
• Contribute to the construction costs of upkeep to the current building, a hope for a new school, community houses and volunteers house.
• Help with the cost of utilities
• Contribute academic materials such as backpacks, school supplies, and books
• Volunteer!
Shalom believes that every child has a dream and it is their hope to give these children an opportunity to use their skills and gifts to reach their full potential and see their dreams become reality. They can’t do this on their own there is a high demand for support. Below is more information or you can email me directly at touchingvoice@yahoo.com if you would like to help this great NGO, it is something I have now become very passionate about and would like to do all I can to help.
How you can help
Financial and Material Support:
• There is a high demand to purchase items on their daily wish list including food, first aid supplies, tooth paste and brushes, cooking oil, soap, medical care, etc.
• Contribute to the construction costs of upkeep to the current building, a hope for a new school, community houses and volunteers house.
• Help with the cost of utilities
• Contribute academic materials such as backpacks, school supplies, and books
• Volunteer!
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