Judith Wambura - Balozi wa oriflame Tanzania

Juliana Kanyomozi

Judith Nnyambura Mwangi also known as Avril has been officially announced as the brand ambassador of a leading cosmetic product line, Oriflame in Kenya. 

 Warembo wa Oriflame Tanzania, wakiwa katika sura ng'avu baada ya kutumia vipodozi vinavyosambazwa na kampuni hiyo hakika wanapendeza,  wakina mama nunueni vipodozi vya Oriflame ili mpendeze kama akina dada hawa. Kutoka kushoto ni mrembo Monica Mhando, Zainabu Ali na Suhaila Abdallah.
Maznat Yusuph Sinare kutoka Saloon ya Maznat Bridal mtaalamu wa kuchanganya Vipodozi akimremba mwanadada Jane Maluli ili kuonyesha aina tofauti za vipodozi vya Kampuni ya ORIFLAME inayotamba Afrika Mashariki na dunia kwa ujumla.

Jinsi kampuni ya Oriflame inavyoinua maelfu ya watanzania kiuchumi 

ORIFLAME ni neno la kisweden lenye maana ya asili. ORIFLAME ni kampuni inayohusika na uuzaji wa vipodozi asili pamoja na manukato

Huna haja ya kujiona mnyonge, eti maisha magumu, eti huna msaada, labda mshahara unaopata haukidhi mahitaji yako, labda biashara yako imedumaa. Watanzania tumeletewa oriflame, ni njia pekee ya kuongeza kipato chako. Kwa mawasiliano 0716560094

Tunaanza na fursa ya kwanza
Tuna products zinazotumika kwanzia kichwani mpaka mguuni.

Bidhaa zimegawanyika katika makundi manne
1. Skin Care- bidhaa za ngozi ya uso... hapa bidhaa zinatolewa kwa kuangalia aina ya ngozi ya mtu, mfano.... ,ngoziii ya mafuta, kavu,etc pia inaangaliwa umri wa mtu na condition ya ngozi yake, maeneo anayoishi nk
2. Fragrance- manukato... hapa tuna perfumes kama 23 za kiume na za kike, deodorant spray na roll on, kuna perfumes nyingine zina mafuta ya mwili
3. Colour Makeup- hapa ndo tu wanatumia wadada... huku tuna foundations za kila aina, lipstics, wanja... eye shadows etc
4. Personal care.... hair and body... hapa miswaki, dawa za mswaki za watoto na wakubwa, sabuni za kuoga za vipande na maji, mafuta tofauti tofauti ya mwili... massage oil.. bidhaa za miguu kwanzia scrub, cream kwa conditions tofauti za miguu... bidhaa za nywele kwa conditions tofauti za nywele. Kama nywele zinazokatika, nyepesiii... chache, mba etc
Na tuna product muhimu sana kwa wadada.... intimate wash... ambayo ni ya kutawazia sehemu za siri za wadada....

Hapo kwenye fursa ya kwanza ya look great Hakuna Maelezo mengi
Cha kuzingatia
ni kujua Aina za ngozi na Bidhaa zenyewe
Pia kuwa na vitendea kazi kama vile skin tester pamoja na perfume sample
Brenda: Fursa ya pili ni kutengeneza pesa ( kwa kimombo tunaita make money)
Hapa tuna fursa Tatu nazo ni kama zifuatazo

1. Faida ya papo kwa hapo/ immediate profit
Hii ni Faida tunayoipata pale tunapomuonyesha mtu asiye mwanachama kitabu kisha akachagua Bidhaa anayotaka toka kwenye kitabu hapo sisi tutamuuzia kwa bei ile ya kitabu wakati sisi tutainunua kwa bei ya uwanachama ambayo ni ya punguzo la 23% kwa namna hiyo utaweza kupata faida ya papo kwa papo ya hadi 30%
Mfano lets say perfume inauzwa 72,000/= wewe kama mwanachama utainunua kwa sh 55,400/= so hapo unakua umetengeneza profit ya elf 16,600/=

Fursa ya pili ya kutengeneza pesa ni Monthly income
Hapo muwe makini kidogo kama si sana maana hapa ndo mahala wengi hukimbia au hufanikiwa zaidi
Ni sehemu ambayo ukiifanya kwa usahihi itakuletea mabadiliko kwa muda mfupi katika maisha yako

Hii huitwa monthly income au bonus / performance discount
Hiizi ni fedha ambazo consultant hulipwa kutokana na kuwaalika marafiki, ndugu, jirani, au jamaa kufanya unachokifanya wewe
Hapa ulipwa kutokana na kazi uliyofanya wewe na team yako katika huo mwezi
Pia utalipwa kutokana na level uliyofika katika huo mwezi

Tunalipwa kati ya asilimia 3%-21% ya kazi tunayofanya
Sasaa kulipwa asilimia ngapi kunategemea na points ngapi umefanya mwezi huo
Lakini hii ndo njia nzuurii zaidi ya kujipatia kipato endelevu na cha maana
Kwa mfano uliotolewa kwenye faida ya papo kwa papo ya perfume nje ya ile faida kuna point utapata, kila product ina points zake... chini ya bei.. pameandikwa Bp
Hivyo kila mara unaponunua chochotee iwe kwa matumizI yako binafsi au kwa kuuza unarecodiwa points zako... mpaka mwisho wa mwezi ndo utalipwa kutokana na points wewe na wenzio mlizozifanya
Sasaa levels tunazipata kutokana na points unazofanya wewe binafsi na watu uliowakaribisha kwenye biashara

Leveles ziko hviii
Points. Bonus percent
200-599. 3%
600-1199. 6%
1200-2399 9%
2400-3999. 12%- manager
4000-6599. 15%- manager
6600-9999. 18%- manager
10,000 - 21%- senior manager
Hapo kwenye njia ya pili ni sehemu ambayo wengi wanapofanikiwa
Ni sehemu ambayo ukiifanya kwa kuamua na kujituma unaweza kutengeneza kuanzia 14400 mpaka 1600000 kwa mwezi
Hapo ni chaguo lako kiasi gani unataka katika huo mwezi

Na hicho kima cha juu nilichoweka ni kama umefika 21% strong
Ila unaweza kutengeneza pesa zaidi ya hizo ukiendelea kufanya Vyema na kwenda ngazi za juu kama udirector na kwengineko

Njia ya Tatu ya utengezaji pesa inaitwa Cash Award/ fedha tathliim

Hizi ni pesa unazoweza kulipwa na kampuni nje ya bonus unayotengeneza ndani ya mwezi
Kwa lugha ingine huwa napenda kuiita zawadi kampuni inayokupatia kwa kuwa kiongozi mzuri
Na hapa unaweza ukapata kuanzia Dola za kimarekani 1000 mpaka US$ 1000000 kutokana na level ya uongozi utakayofikia
Hapa ndo kuna vyeo kama vile Director mpaka executive President director

Ili kufukia ngazi hizo unapaswa uweze kufikia ngazi ya 21% kisha ukae hapo mara sita ndani ya mwaka
Ukishamaliza kukaa hapo kwa mara sita utaitwa Director

Ili kufukia ngazi ingine ya udirector unapaswa uwasaidie watu wa chini yako nao Wewe madirector
Kwa kufanya hivyo kampuni itakulipa zaidi
Mfano ukiweza kuwasaidia watu wawili kuwa madirector wakati Wao wanapewa Dola 1000 Kila mmoja wewe utapewa US$ 2000 na utaitwa Gold Director
Hivyo basi ili kupata pesa nyingi zaidi inabidi usaidie watu wengi zaidi kuwa viongozi
Na hapa nje ya cash award unayopata hata kipato cha mwezi nacho huongezeka
Mfano ukifika Gold director unaweza kupata hadi Million 2.5 kwa mwezi


Unajiunga kwa kiasi kidogo tu cha sh elfu 9 na kuanza biashara.Unachagua muda wako wa kufanya biashara(full time,part time) Hukai na bidhaa (products) zozote hadi upate order
utanunua ulichoagizwa kwa bei ya member nakuuza kwa bei ya mteja na kutengenezafaida…

Pia unapata safari za bure kwa kusafirishwa nakampuni free nchi mbalimbali .Kuanzia level
ya director na kuendelea kuna safari kilamwaka ,Safari zaidi ya mara 3 kwa mwaka
kutokana na ngazi uliyopo….(internationaltrips). Unakuza biashara yako Na kufanya biashara
popote ulipo….Unaweza kukusanya orders kwa simu au via whats app na kuzilipia ofisin….na
pia ukiwa mwanachama ukaalika watu kwenye mikutano/training za oriflamme
wataunganishwa chini yako na utaweza tengeneza team na kupata bonus..
Kipato chako kitakua kila mwezi kulingana na mauzo ya timu yako na mauzo ya timu nzima
walojiunga kwako direct au indirect(kwa watuwako)

Kujiunga nitumie jina lako,tarehe mwezi mwaka wa kuzaliwa,namba ya simu,Email
(kama unayo) pamoja n ash elfu 9, ntakuunganisha utapata namba ya
uanachama utayotumia kununulia bidhaa na kuunganisha marafikina tutafanya biashara
kwa kushirikiana.Pia order unaweza fanya online au via mpesa kwa simu au ofisini…
unaweza fanya biashara ya Oriflame popoteTanzania.

Kwa mawasiliano zaidi tuwasiliane kwa no hiii 0716560094



About Oriflame

“Our brief history”
Oriflame is a leading beauty company selling direct. We are present in more than 60 countries, of which we are the market leader in more than half. Oriflame has its origin in Sweden with corporate offices in Switzerland. We offer a wide range of high-quality beauty products as well as a unique opportunity to join our sales force and start your own business.

Business offer

Oriflame´s business offer can be summarised in the statement Make Money Today and Fulfil Your Dreams Tomorrow™ which is delivered through:
  • Low entrance fee - easy to join and no risk.
  • Beauty products inspired by dreams - with the best of nature, science and trends - created in Sweden.
  • Wide assortment at affordable prices that are easy to sell with frequent attractive catalogues and leading online tools.
  • You choose: extra money, part-time income or a full time career with unlimited earning opportunities.
  • Personal growth and development in Oriflame Academy at no cost.
  • Enjoy a beauty company selling direct and a global community with a human touch.

Your Dreams – Our Inspiration


Oriflame’s  brand promise Your Dreams – Our Inspiration™  is deeply rooted in the history and heritage of our company. Throughout our 45-year history, we have always been committed to inspiring and offering people an opportunity to achieve their dreams through our unique business concept. Your Dreams – Our Inspiration™’ is a manifestation of our commitment to our customers and consultants; their dreams play a major part in inspiring new beauty products and programmes for developing your own business.

We believe in dreams.
A dream is individual and personal. Dreams and goals are beautiful and important. Oriflame is, and always has been about fulfilling dreams. This is what we do. Every day. For people all over the world. Are you a dreamer? Do you have goals? Welcome.

We believe in beauty.
Your beauty is as personal as your dreams. Through our unique beauty products created in Sweden we have given millions of people the opportunity to change their lives for the better. When you look good, you feel good. And when you feel good, you are ready to reach for your dreams.
We believe in you.
Our work starts with your dreams. They are our inspiration. We encourage individuals to dream, to set their own goals. And we are a partner along the way. Our culture is based on respect for and belief in others. We listen to you. Together we create a global network of beauty and making dreams come true. Do you want to fulfil your dreams? We do.

Core Values - Career

Togetherness, Spirit and Passion

Togetherness, Spirit and Passion are the three fundamental values of Oriflame. Trusting these values we feel confident that we can succeed in a competitive business while at the same time help make the world a better place.
People who work together and share the same goals achieve greater results. They motivate each other and know that pulling together is more rewarding than going it alone.
People with a can-do spirit have a winning attitude and never give up. They are committed to do what it takes to succeed.
Passionate people have the power to change the world. They love what they do, they believe in it. They know deep down that they can make a difference.

Product Philosophy

We respect nature and strive to use natural ingredients. Many ingredients derived from fruits, flowers and plants are used in our formulations and our designs combine functionality with simplicity, elegance and respect for materials and resources.



Direct Selling in Oriflame

Oriflame is a leading beauty company selling direct. We are present in more than 60 countries, of which we are the market leader in more than half. We offer a wide range of high-quality beauty products as well as a unique opportunity to join our sales force and start your own business.

How to join

You can join the Oriflame sales force either by contacting a Consultant you already know or by contacting your local Oriflame office. In some countries it is also possible to register online. After you have completed the consultant application form you will receive your membership and a starter kit.
The starter kit includes presentational material about our company and products as well as guides and catalogues  that will be helpful to you when you start as a Consultant.
As a new Consultant you will have a more experienced consultant as a coach, guiding and assisting you. Your coach will introduce you to Oriflame and help you with all the necessary information you need in the beginning.

Support material

As an Oriflame Consultant you will have access to a wide variety of support material to  help you make your business a success. We’ll support you every step of the way with a thorough training, inspiring catalogues and information about the latest beauty trends.

Starter Kit

With our starter kit you will get a presentation material describing our company and products as well as useful sales support tools, like guides and catalogues.

Sales Support Tools

As an Oriflame Consultant you will have access to our various sales support tools which will help you manage, promote and market your business.

The Oriflame Academy

The Oriflame Academy contains in depth product information and advanced business trainings.

Oriflame network

Being part of our sales force means that you are a part of our global network of Consultants who support and inspire each other.


Our journey to sustainability will be a long one. But the nature and size of our business means we have the responsibility and opportunity to achieve real, lasting, positive change.
Our sustainability strategy is a five-year plan. It consists of three key areas, 14 goals and 37 commitments, all of which you will be able to explore on this website.

Beauty News

We have more than 950 product in our product range at any given time and more than 300 new products being introduced each year. Read about some of our latest product launches under Beauty News.