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21 June 2015


 Wananchi mbalimbali wakiwa wamejitokeza kwa wingi katika banda la rita, wakijifunza mabo mbalimbali hasa yale yahusuyo kuandika wosia na, vyeti vya kuzaliwa na sheria mbalimbali

Labda nikudikeze darasa kwa kwa ufupi


1.  Wosia ni nini?

Wosia ni tamko analotoa mtu wakati  wa uhai wake akieleza jinsi anavyotaka mali yake igawanywe au wapewe watu gani  baada ya kifo chake.

2.  Nani anaweza kuandika wosia?

Ni mtu yeyote mwenye umri wa miaka 18 au zaidi  na mwenye akili timamu.

3.  Faida za wosia.

-         Kuepusha  watoto au mke/mume  kunyang’anywa mali.
-         Kuepusha  migongano katika  familia, ndugu au jamaa zake.
-         Kuepuka kumrithisha mtu yeyote ambaye kisheria hapaswi kurithi mali yako.
- Unakupa uhakika wa maisha bora ya baadae ya warithi wako kulingana na mali ulizo nazo
- Kupunguza gharama/usumbufu wakati wa kuendesha mirathi.

4.  Sababu za kuandika  wosia

-         Kuweka msimamizi wa mirathi  na mlezi wa watoto  wako au mwangalizi wa familia.
-         Kutoa maelekezo kuhusu  mali zako  kama  upendavyo na kwa kufuata sheria.

5.   Wosia unaokubalika kisheria

-         Uwe na wa maandishi au matamshi

-         Ushuhudiwe na watu wawili ikiwa ni wa maandishi.
-         Ushuhudiwe na watu wa nne ikiwa ni  wa matamshi.
-         Uwe wosia usiomnyima mrithi halali mali bila sababu zinazotambulika kisheria.

6.  Ni nani mrithi halali kisheria?

-         Mke au mume
-         Watoto waliozaliwa ndani ya ndoa
-         Watoto waliohalalishwa  kisheria
-         Wazazi na ndugu wa karibu ambao walikuwa tegemezi kwa mtoa wosia wakati wa uhai wake.

7.  Hali ya mwandika wosia

Anayeandika wosia ni lazima athibitishwe kuwa ana akili  timamu wakati akiandika au kutamka wosia wake.

8.  Mambo muhimu ya kuzingatia katika  kuandika wosia.

·        Majina ya wanaonufaishwa
·        Orodha ya mali za mtoa wosia  na mahali zilipo na stakabathi / hati za ununuzi  / Umiliki wa mali hizo.
·        Majina na anuani za msimamizi wa  mirathi na mwangalizi  wa watoto
·        Maelezo mengine ya kuweka kwenye wosia.

9.  Ni wapi wosia uhifadhiwe?

-         Wosia uhifadhiwe mahali ulipoandaliwa.
-         Kwenye taasisi za dini kama vile kanisa au msikiti.
-         Kwa mwanasheria yeyote
-         Kwa mtu yeyote asiyemrithi katika wosia husika na awe na sifa za kuaminika za kutunza siri.
 Hayo ni machache tu kati ya mengi ambayo yatafundishwa katika viwanja vya mnazi mmoja Dar es salaam, jumanne ya tarehe 23 Juni 2015
Watu wote mnakaribishwa.


KWA watu wengi wa jamii za Kiafrika, mtu kuandika au kutoa wosia juu ya mali zake, ni kitu ambacho inachodhaniwa ni mkosi..., Pia hudhani kwamba anayeandika wosia ni mtu anayejichulia au kujitabiria kifo cha karibu!

Ukweli ni kwamba, wosia ni mojawapo ya vitu vinavyosaidia kuilinda familia na jamii inapotokea mtu aliyeandika wosia huo amefariki dunia. Wakati fulani, uandishi wa talaka unasaidia sana kusaidia usuluhishi wa matatizo ya kifamilia kuhusu mali na fedha za marehemu pindi kifo cha mtu aliye na mali akifariki dunia .
Kwa mujibu wa kifungu cha 2 cha sheria ya Usimamizi wa Mirathi ya Tanzania, wosia ni tamko la mwisho la mtu anayetoa tamko hilo, akielezea jinsi gani mali zake zitunzwe au kufanyiwa kazi pindi atakapofariki dunia. Kwa ajili hiyo, mtu aliyetoa tamko hilo, anatakiwa kutoa tamko ambalo ni la mwisho katika matamko yote aliyowahi kuyatoa wakati wa maisha yake juu ya mali na fedha zake zinapaswa kufanywa pindi atakapofariki dunia. Wosia unaweza kuwa wa maneno ya mdomo na vilevile wosia unaweza kuwa wosia uliondikwa kwa maandishi. Kati hali yoyote ile, wosia wa mdomo na wosia wa maandishi unakuwa na nguvu sawa kisheria, ili mradi tu masharti yanayopaswa kuzingatiwa yakitimizwa.

Hata hivyo, kwa wosia wa maandishi au ule wa mdomo, kuna masharti kadhaa yanayohitajika kutimizwa kwa wosia huo kuwa na nguvu kisheria. Mtu anayeandika wosia kimsingi anatakiwa kuwa na mali anayoimiliki yeye binafsi (si ya anayoimiliki kwa ubia au aliyopewa kutokana na wadhifa wake labda kiserikali au kampuni). Vilevile wosia lazima uoneshe nia ya mtamkaji kuhusu kutoa mali zake (pamoja na fedha) kwa watu au mtu fulani na vilevile ndugu msomaji unatakiwa ujue kwamba wosia utakuwa na nguvu kisheria pale tu ambapo mwandishi/mtoa wosia huo atakapokuwa amefariki dunia.
Kwa wosia wa mdomo mpaka uwe una nguvu kisheria, ni lazima ushuhudiwe na watu au kwa maneno mengine mashahidi wasiopungua wanne na kati ya hao, wawili ni lazima wawe watu kutoka katika ukoo wake. Hali hii si tofauti sana kwa upande wa wosia unaoandikwa kwa maandishi, kwani wosia huu ni lazima ushuhudiwe na watu wasiopungua wawili na kati ya hao mmoja ni lazima awe ni mtu kutoka katika ukoo wa mtoa wosia. Hawa wanaweza kuwa wajomba, mashangazi, kaka au dada wa mtoa tamko la wosia.

Zaidi ya hayo, wosia hauwezi kuwa na athari yoyote kisheria kama mtoa tamko la wosia hatatia saini yake aidha kwa maandishi au kwa kuweka dole gumba katika karatasi yake ya wosia. Hii ina maana kwamba mahakama haitautambua wosia huo kama hautakuwa na sahihi ya mtoaji wa tamko hilo. Hata hivyo, wosia hata kama utakuwa na vigezo vyote vinavyotakiwa lakini kama mtoaji wake alitoa tamko lake akiwa katika hali ya kuchanganyikiwa akili au kulazimishwa/kushurutishwa, hii ni mojawapo ya vigezo vya kukataa kuidhinisha wosia au mirathi kwa mtu yeyote na mahakama. Wosia vilevile ni lazima umtaje mtu atakayeutekeleza. Huyu ni mtu ambaye mtoa wosia atamchagua katika wosia wake na ndiye atakayepewa majukumu yote ya kuangalia jinsi gani matakwa ya mtoa wosia yatavyotimizwa. Ni kweli kwamba mtu anaweza kuandika wosia na kuufuta wakati wowote na mara zote anazotaka. Sheria haina pingamizi juu ya jambo hilo.

Hii ni kutokana na ukweli kwamba mtoa wosia anaweza kubadilisha mawazo yake wakati wowote ule. Hata hivyo, wakati wowote mtu atakapokuwa anaandika wosia, ni lazima aandike kwamba wosia huo ni wa mwisho kabisa kati ya wosia mwingine aliowahi kuuandika. Hata hivyo, mahakama imepewa uwezo kisheria kutengua au kubatilisha wosia wowote kama haukidhi vigezo vya kisheria kuufanya uwe halali. Katika hali kama hii, familia itatakiwa kumchagua mtu asimamie mirathi kana kwamba marehemu hakuacha wosia wowote kwani wosia wake hautakuwa na nguvu yoyote kisheria. Ikiwa baada ya kifo cha mtu aliyeandika wosia, kutakutwa wosia mbili tofauti na ulioandikwa siku na tarehe tofauti, basi wosia wa tarehe ya mbele ndio utahesabika kuwa halali na si wa tarahe ya nyuma yake. Hapa sheria inatumia busara kwamba mpaka wosia mwingine uandikwe ina maana marehemu alibadili mawazo yake na ndiyo maana akaandika wosia mwingine.

Wosia unapata nguvu kisheria pale tu aliyeandika akifariki dunia. Hii ina maana kwamba, hata kama mathalani, mtoto wa marehemu ndiye aliyeandikwa atarithi shamba la marehemu, mtoto huyo hatakuwa mmiliki halali wakati mwandishi wa wosia huo atakapokuwa hai, ila tu pale atakapofariki dunia ndipo mtoto huyo ataweza kuwa mmiliki halali wa shamba hilo. Kimsingi, ni haki ya mwandika au mtoa wosia kubadilisha wosia wake wakati wowote autakao. Vilevile ni haki yake kumpa urithi mtu yeyote atakayekuwa amemchagua katika wosia wake. Hata hivyo, mwandishi wa wosia ni lazima azingatie watoto ambao ni wategemezi kwake pale atakapokuwa anaandika/anapotoa wosia wake.
Unafahamu masharti ya Wosia...?
- Mtoa wosia lazima awe na akili timamu.
- Awe ametimiza miaka kumi na nane (18) na kuendelea.
- Uonyeshe tarehe ,mwezi na mwaka ulioandikwa.
- Uonyeshe majina ya warithi.
- Mtoa wosia ahusishe mali zake binafsi na si za mtu mwingine.
- Wosia ni siri wanufaika hawatakiwi kuujua.
- Mtoa wosia lazima aweke saini yake, na kama hajui kusoma na kuandika aweke alama ya dole gumba la mkono wa kulia.
- Mashuhuda lazima waweke saini zao tena kwa wakati mmoja.

20 June 2015


 Mwenyekiti wa Chama cha Wajane Tanzania, Rose Sarwatt na katibu wa chama hicho bwana John Shabani, wakizungumza na waandishi wa habari juu ya madhimisho ya siku ya wajane duniani. kulia ni mjumbe wa chama hicho, bi Mwajua Mwinyimkuu
 Mheshimiwa Ajnjela Kairuki, mgeni rasmi katika maadhimisho ya kwanza Tanzania, ya siku ya wajane Duniani.

NAIBU Waziri wa Ardhi, Nyumba na Maendeleo ya Makazi, Angela Kairuki anatarajiwa kuwa mgeni rasmi katika maadhimisho ya siku ya wajane Duniani.
Tunategemea pia kuwa na wadau mbali mbali, kama vile viongozi wa serikali, viongozi wa kidini, wawakilishi wa taasisi mbalimbali za serikali na binafsi, waandishi wa habari pamoja na wasanii mbalimbali, wamesema.

Maadhimisho hayo yanatarajiwa kufanyika Juni 23 mwaka huu, yaani siku ya jumanne, ambapo kimkoa yatafanyika  katika Viwanja vya Mnazi Mmoja Jijini Dar es Salaam.
Wakizungumza na waandishi leo Jijini Dar, Mwenyekiti wa Chama cha Wajane Tanzania (TAWIA), Rose William Sarwatt na katibu mkuu wa chama hicho, bwana John Shabani, wamesema, siku hiyo itawakutanisha wajane wote nchini. Katika maadhimisho hayo pia wataweza kujadili changamoto mbalimbali zinazowakabili pamoja na utatuzi wake.

Maadimisho hayo ambayo yanafanyika Dunia nzima kwa hapa nchini yatabeba kauli mbiu isemayo, “Andika wosia kuepusha migogoro isiyokuwa na lazma”. Yataanzia stendi ya stesheni hadi sehemu husika. “Kauli mbiu hiyo imekubalika na takrbani ya wajane wote nchini, kutokana na changamoto zetu kufanana, ikiwemo ya kushuka kwa uchumi ndani ya familia pindi mume anapofariki,” amesema Sarwatt.  
Aidha amesema, changamoto kubwa wanayoipigia kelele wajane wengi nchini ni uchumi kuporomoka pindi wakiondokewa na wenza wao, hivyo tatizo hilo pia huongeza   idadi ya watoto yatima mitaani.

Mbali na kupata changamoto hizo Sarwatt amesema, uwepo wa TAWIA umekuwa msaada mkubwa na kimbilio la wajane wengi kwani kimekuwa msari wa mbele kuwasaidia. Licha ya wajane wengi kuonekana kukata tamaa ya maisha, TAWIA ilianzisha miradi mbalimbali ya kuweza kuinuana kimaisha ikiwemo ya kufanya biashara ndogondogo. Na kwamba biashara hizo na michango mbalimbali imewasaidia kuwapeleka watoto shule pamoja na kujikimu katika maisha yao.
“Tuchukue fursa hii kuwakumbusha wadau mbalimbali ambao wanaweza kutusaidia, ili tuweze kuwafikia wajane wengine waliopo vijijini ambao hatuwezi kuwafikia. Pia tunaomba serikali itusaidie kupata takwimu ya wajane  wote nchini, ili iwe rahisi kuwafikia,” wamesema.

Mwisho, watanzania wote wanaalikwa kuhudhuria siku hiyo, kwani licha ya maadhimisho, Pia, kutakuweo na elimu mbalimbali kama sheria, afya, uchumi n.k. Pia, kutakuwepo na bidhaa mbalimbali kutoka kwa wajane.

14 June 2015


Cherie Blair, Cilla Black and Nancy Dell'Olio launch International Widows Day - 23 June 2013

The President of the Loomba Foundation, Cherie Blair runs in the 5k Charity Walk/Run in Hyde Park for International Widows' day in London. Hundreds of Runner start for the 5k charity walk and run proceed by Cherie Blair in Hype Park London.  23 June 2013

UN Secretary Ban Ki-moon being presented the first edition of the research study book, Invisible Forgotten Sufferers: The Plight of Widows at the United Nations, New York, 2010.

Chairperson of TAWIA Madam Rose Sarwatt, General Secretary Mr. John Shabani
and some TAWIA members @25 years anniversary of TAWLA

Tanzania Widows Association (TAWIA), will celebrate International Widows Day June 23, 2015, and also it will be our First Anniversary of Tanzania widows day. All our members and friends are invited to participate at the event. Guests speakers from other community organization will deliver lead papers and present gifts to widows. You are cordially invited be part of the history.
You may call 0754 366 530 or 0713 778 778 for participation.
All welcome!


Who We Are:

We are registered association residing in the United Republic of Tanzania.
Tanzania Widows Association (TAWIA) formed in 2014 as the go-to right and empowerment association, change-agent (and widows group with a message to connect collaborate and grow their visibility worldwi de in order to fulfill their mission.

TAWIA is an independent Non-Governmental and non - profit making Association registered under the laws of Tanzania. Our registration number under the societies Act (Cap.337 R.E: 2002) is 19708.

 It seeks to uplift the widows' and children status in Tanzania by enhancing the capacity and potential
of widows to respond through determined action involving advocacy, information and service provision, to meet their special needs and whose
main agenda is voluntary in nature. Currently we have over 500 members, which include regional branches in Tanzania.

More about the International widows day

As we know, International Widows’ Day was introduced to address poverty and injustice faced by widows and their children in many countries. It was officially recognized by the United Nations in 2010 and is observed annually on June 23.

It will be recalled that the first officially recognized International Widows’ Day on June 23, 2011 was marked with a conference held in the United Nations headquarters in New York. International Widows’ Day is a global observance and not a public holiday.

International Widows’ Day was initiated by the Loomba Foundation in 2005. The plight of widows world-wide has been the foundation’s focus since it was established in 1997. According to its founder, Raj Loomba, women in many countries experience great hardship after their husbands die. The observance falls on June 23 because Loomba’s mother became a widow on that date in 1954.

Like the Loomba Foundation, Tanzania Widows Association is committed to empowering widows with a view to eradicating poverty and alleviating their plights. Our organization had helped widows in the area of para legal, giving them foods, clothes and bring back some of their children to school. Also some widow through the help of 
Tanzania women lawyers association (TAWLA) and the Legal and Human Rights(LHRC) some widows had as well taken legal action to enforce widow’s rights and their fundamental human rights.

Why We Exist?

Widows all over the world are a particularly vulnerable group subject to much prejudice. Allow me to challenge a few stereotypes. When I talk about the world’s 245 million widows, I am not talking about elderly women. All across the world, widows are often women in the prime of life, young women who are left as sole carers for their children, alone responsible for their shelter, food, schooling and wellbeing.

As the HIV/Aids epidemic and armed conflicts continue to wreak havoc across the world, widows are getting younger and facing tougher challenges. Many of these women face harsh discrimination and social exclusion on account of their marital status, which compounds the discrimination they already face on account of their gender. Positive steps have been taken in some parts of the world to address this situation, but there is still a long way to go.

115 million widows still live in extreme poverty. In many cases, their children have to leave school to go to work to plug the gap in the household income left by their father’s death; their daughters, in particular, are therefore often at a high risk of sexual exploitation. Worldwide, more than 500 million children of widows live in hostile environments, and more than 1.5 million of these children die before the age of five. Widows’ poverty, depriving their children of aspiration, education and future employment, affects the whole of society. It is a humanitarian crisis.

Research by the Africa Partnership Forum has shown that; had more women been educated and employed, Africa’s economies would have doubled in size over the last 30 years. The simple truth is that for every year of schooling a mother has received the likelihood that her child dies as an infant declines by 10%. To support women, then, is to support their children; and to support vulnerable women is to support even more vulnerable children. These statistics reveal the true value of enabling families to support one another.
 I believe that families are the glue that holds societies together; they create strong foundations on which to build, and they are the structures that help economic growth filter throughout the whole of society. Supporting widows strengthens society’s human tissue, keeping families strong even when they are broken by the death of a loved one.

The Association

The existence of The TAWIA is on what is to be done to tackle this issues. Supporting widows catalyses a developmental multiplier effect: as women gain knowledge, children learn. As women become employed, economies grow. As women are given equality, nations become stronger, and justice and equity across the board become attainable. It impacts directly on poverty, their children’s education, gender equality, child mortality, maternal health and on the spread of HIV/Aids (six of the eight millennium development goals).

Our Activties
Our trust is currently focusing on widows in Nigeria, but we believe that this assistance should spread across the globe. Countless lives have been tremendously imparted by this organization. The numbers of widows in our care have gone above 500 since we got our registration last year.
  1. We provide monthly gifts of food items to them.
  2. We pay their house rents and help their business
  3. We give them free medical treatment once in a monthly.
  4. Provide orphans with school fees, our love and give them attention.
We call on you today to support this foundation to reach its full potential of raising champions from the dust


When you commit to give a monthly gift to Tanzania Widows Association and join us as a LifeGiver, you will experience this deep satisfaction again and again, as you help give hope to widows and their children, orphans, youths and families in crisis.
Your gift will go to work month after month to help us sustain the lives we save, to help feed the widows , hungry children,free medical treatment to provide safe shelter.

Join us to bring back hope for widows