John Shabani
“Helping families to have hope for a better
About John Shabani
African Volunteer
Shabani ( Graduated at INTERNATIONAL
singer, song writer, Evangelist and Vocal trainer of Christian worship music.
John has been in the gospel singing ministry for a long
time; currently. Besides, He’s a cofounder of the Tanzania Gospel Music
Association (CHAMUITA in Swahili) and has been leading different gospel music
groups here in Tanzania. On top of that, I have had a burden of visiting
refugees in their camps whenever resources allow together with the service of
helping orphans and other disadvantaged groups.
HOPE TRUST is an independently registered
nonprofit charity committed to serving the families of Youth, Children and
disadvantages people in developing countries to bring about a meaningful change
in their lives. We promote awareness
within these families so that their next generation will be in a better
position to provide for their families. Our charity is based on helping one
family at a time; so we can see the results over a long period of time.Our Vision
Give the Needy has the vision that every single mother raising her children alone deserves the right to a dignified and healthy way of life. By improving the quality of life of a single mother (widowed, divorced or abandoned), we are helping families to have hope for a better future.
Shabani’s Mission
Trust Mission”
Our mission is to hive hope
families in developing countries and make a lasting impact on their lives. We
endeavor to provide long and short term care in the area of self-sufficiency
and sustenance for single mothers with underprivileged children to raise their
families. We support families that achieve effective results from donations
entrusted to our care. This is achieved while ensuring costs are kept as low as
possible for effective operations under clear financial supervision. We also
employ review systems for proper checks and balances to further ensure that we
are getting the best value for your trusted donations.
Our ConvictionsWe at Give the Needy believe that people in need should not be looked down upon by their race, color or religion. They have the same value system for living/life as anyone else, but they are deprived from the opportunity to provide for themselves. They are just human beings like you and me trying to survive in this world. The everyday things we take for granted are a luxury for these unfortunate people who wake up each morning afraid of whether they will have enough food to live through the next day or a roof over their heads to sleep with some security and dignity.
Our Management
The activities of Hope Trust are run by an independent Board of Directors and volunteers, who meet regularly and serve without reward or compensation. Their personal opinions and interests are in line with the vision, missions and commitment as mentioned above. We are dedicated and would try our best to deliver and sustain any projects we undertake to the utmost satisfaction of our donors. There can be no greater inner satisfaction than to help someone less fortunate. Nothing compares to a pure and selfless sense of purpose than helping others. Together we can help build better families and communities. One family at a time.
Invitation to Help -
You are
invited to work hand by hand with us in the following areas:
- Projects financial or material support
- Academic material support
- Construction cost of our permanent schools, Orphanage and talent center
- Transport expenses to school etc.
- You can be a volunteer in this project
- Any contribution will be highly appreciated.
NB: We
believe that these vulnerable groups especially Youth, children even widows
have their dreams as well as their personal gifts, skills and potential,
therefore we kindly request you to share with us on the above goals, mission
and vision in order to make the world a
best place to live in for body. We believe: - SURVIVAL IS THE FIRST
Our pledge to our donors is
to continue to keep our overhead costs low, to maximize the percentage of your
contributions that go towards the families in need and to donate your support
wisely so that several families and their children in need may benefit from our
help. If you need any information about our financials; we will gladly
give you all the information required, as we have complete financial
P.O. BOX 78191
E.mail: touchingvoice@yahoo.com
Cell phone: +255 754 818 767
Dar es salaam – Tanzania
East Africa
The Hope Trust (HOT)
“To bring hope
to the Children and Youth”
John shabani with a
group of children
there are millions of children and youth in underdeveloped countries who have
no parents, food, clothing, or access to medical or emotional care. While the
majority of these children are dying from malnutrition, their living conditions
are so poor that even diaper rash can be deadly. This situation is not
isolated; in fact, it is growing at an ever-increasing pace.
John with Orphans Children in Sudan
contrast, there are thousands of families in developed countries trying to
adopt. However, they are faced with a complicated and cost prohibitive adoption
process. This gap continues to widen as more children die and families struggle
to find the resources to adopt.

The hope trust is a Christian, non denominational, non
– profit making, voluntary and non- partisan chartable organization. It is the
brainchild of Mr. John Shabani, a gospel singer, gospel music teacher and
publicity secretary – Tanzania Gospel Music Association. He has trained in different
choir, bands and solo artists in East and Central Africa,
Counseling and Relevant Youth Ministry in many places. The founder is not yet married
Our mission is to build relevant, well-balanced and holistic
youth programmers. We educate, guide, counsel and empower youth on issues and
problems that directly affects them. Through leadership, training, mentoring,
teamwork incarnation ministry, evangelism and discipleship, we are dedicated to
reaching out youth, develop and equip them to realize and maximize their full
Sudan tour
Today’s youth in a difficult, even dangerous world. They
have more options, tough choices and more challenges than any other previous
generation. Today, youth
crisis are much more serious involving problems such as drugs, immorality,
rebellion, HIV? AIDS, suicide, depression, pregnancy etc. Some of the
predominant causes of the above mentioned problems include: negative peer
pressure, media influence, broken homes, materialism, lack of proper
upbringing, poor self –image, low self- esteem and wrong choices. Without much
experience in decision making, the youth face more than they can handle. The
challenges they face are spiritual, emotional, social, and economical.
HOT is armed with a vision to mentor the youth both
spiritually and socially and prepare them become responsible adults, parents
and members of the society and of the kingdom of the Almighty God. We firmly
believe that the destiny of any society, national and family
depend on the well-being of youth.
Our Mission and Objectives
objective of Hope Trust is to
reach out to young people through youth camps, school visitations and
conferences. It encourages the youth to reach their full potential in an
atmosphere of uncompromising faith and to discover God’s purpose for their
lives. The specific objectives of Hope Foundation are:
- To organize and bring children and young people together through camps, conventions, seminars and crusades, concert, motivational talks and use this opportunity to teach, counsel and involve them in various learning activities.
- To cross various cultures with the message of God through Christian literature, music in audio, video and radio transmission, etc.
- With its approach and within its prior capacity, hope trust, is aiming to identify and minister to the needs of young people in all aspects of life i.e. physically, mentally, socially and spiritually and economically.
- To bring together and unite children or young people from different places or nationalities and give them an opportunity to share and communicate their talents, learn from each other and also make exchange visiting.
- To build and operate a talent house. To establish a Youth Center for empowerment and recreation activities, Vocational Training Center where young people can continue their education and training to lead productive lives.
- To reach the youth and students of Tanzania with good news through music and drama.
initiate, support and facilitate innovative programmes geared towards
pursuit of sustain able development for children and the youth.
- Coordinates
and Supplies Resources to
Orphans in Developing Countries - Creating and expanding partnerships among volunteers, donors, medical professionals, government agencies, members of local communities, adoption agencies, and like-minded humanitarian organizations; working together to serve youth and children in our adoption orphanages and their local communities, as well as children in other orphanages throughout the world.
- Awakens the Spirits of everyone involved
- Providing opportunities for personal growth for all involved – youth and Children, Families, Donors, Staff, and Volunteers.

John Shabani with friend from china and korea
1. Organizing
seminars, workshops, rallies and camp both to educate and train the youth on
relevant issues.
2. Utilizing
a variety of activities preferred by the youth e.g. games, discussions,
excursions and expeditions.
3. Work
hand- in hand with the school administrations for guidance and counseling
sessions, week end challenges, Sunday services, fellowships, rallies and
motivatuin talks.
4. Network
with Youth Groups, Youth Ministries, NGO’s, professional, Churches,
Institutions etc.
5. Making
contacts with youth on their turf. Spending our time and presence by hanging
out with them with a purpose.
6. Organizing
/facilitating seminar and workshops for the parents, teachers and youth
7. Evangelism
and Discipleship.
8. Individual
and group counseling.
9. Vocational
training and establish a library.
10. Leadership
Training, Team Building and peer Counseling programmes.
1. Successful
and well – acclaimed youth camps.
2. Life
– changing and inspiring motivational talks, counseling sessions and Christian
meetings and concerts including weekend challenges, Sunday services
3. Speaking
engagements in churches and youth meetings.
4. Relational
ministry leading many to the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
5. Publication
of “The Encourager” magazine.
6. Training
many of young people and children in our ministry of singing and take theme to
our studio. Many of them they now become good singers in and outside of our
Relevant Youth issues and problem are addressed during the camps seminars
and youth Christian meetings. The participants
are empower or relevant issues such as HIV/AIDS, drugs and alcohol
abuse, peer, pressure, self concept, relationships, media influence, decisions
making ,stress and depression, suicide, setting goals, character formation,
attitude, communication.
The organization is open membership under the following categories:-
High school and college students
Working and non-working young adults
Must be willing to share in HOT vision and
Fill a membership application form.
1. Gorgeous
membership certificate
2. Subsidized
rates for camps, seminars, tour etc.
3. Special
training programmes
4. Active
participation in organization’s activities, for example, anniversaries
celebrations, Luncheons, Sports Day, singing concert and family fellowships.
5. Opportunities
to discover, develop, release and maximize your full potential.
It is open all brethren who have a genuine passion to reach out to the
young people.
Partnership is open to all regardless of their denomination, age, race or
status. HOT’s partners voluntarily pledge to support the ministry through
prayers, financially, materially, and morally. Partners fill the application
forms and are awarded with a beautiful Certificate of Partnership. Partners
participate in HOT’s activities including anniversary celebrations, parents’
seminars Get – to gathers. Remember, ‘’If
you can’t go to preach, you can send the preacher’’
The organization is financed mainly from donations, contributions and
gift from the members, partners, friend and will – wishers and not by any
specific groups or denomination.
For more information, membership and partnership
contact us through our addresses.
contact us through our addresses.
E-mail: touchingvoice@yahoo.com
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