5 July 2012

Gospel Musicians in Uganda have been blamed for participating in secular music concerts but aren’t they putting into practice the greed that their prosperity pastors have taught them over the years???


Our reporter from Kampala
Of recent Gospel musicians in Uganda have been greatly criticized for performing in bars and participating in secular music concerts. In fact Pentecostal radio stations such as Kingdom F.M recently gave the gospel musicians an ultimatum to register all their songs that have not been copyrighted with the station. The musicians have been warned that failure to register these songs will imply that their songs will not be played on the station. Some Ugandan gospel musicians are so drunk with the prosperity gospel that the poor can no longer afford to attend their Album launches. In order to attend these launches you need 5,000 Uganda shillings if not 10,000 or more.Some of them have already sold their ‘God given’ albums to secular persons such that if you play their songs, you risk being sued by these secular guys.   

Many people have blamed these gospel artists. In fact pastors such as David Kiganda have been on the fore front of the campaign against these gospel musicians. However, our blame of  these musicians is not focused. Gospel musicians in Uganda are behaving the way they are doing because of the rotten prosperity gospel being preached by Ugandan pastors such as David Kiganda. The prosperity Gospel can produce nothing other than a rotten fruit. Pastors have taught these musicians to love materialism, money, above anything else by the gospel they preach. The pastors in Uganda pray for people for money and like wise gospel artists demand money from people in exchange for their songs. Either way it all about selling the gospel for filthy lucre’s sake . 

Therefore unless there is a paradigm shift from the prosperity gospel to the gospel of repentance, Gospel musicians will continue to look for money and prosperity in secular concerts and bars. They are doing exactly what the pastors have taught them to do i.e. to love and pursue materialism, power, wealth, money, fame etc.