28 June 2012
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25 June 2012
Gaby Irene Kamanzi is now back with a new video
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After Her first hit video "AMAHORO",Gaby Irene
Kamanzi is now back with a new video from her debut album called UNGIRIRA NEZA
(You are So Good to Me).The song from the clip ,WOWE (YOU),was produced by
Nicolas from Bridge Records and the video by Netty Communition from Burundi.the
video was done in Bujumbura(Burundi).
video comes just on time when Gaby is preparing the launch of her debut album
later this year.
Irene Kamanzi, popularly known as Gaby, is one of Rwanda’s prominent gospel artists.
The 30-year-old started singing in 1999, in the Restoration Church Choir, where
she fellowshipped. She only became popular in the music industry in 2003 after
appearing in Aime Uwimana’s, “Mbeshejweho n’Urukundo” song.
2009 monster hit, “Amahoro” marked the ceiling of Gaby’s success, making top
song on several charts around town, including the secular ones. She however
slowed down after that year, though she never ceased to excite fans at a number
of local gigs.
also became part of “The Sisters” a gospel music group that includes respected
gospel singers like Aline Gahongayire and Tonzi. She is still with the group
that has also lately gone silent.
has only three hit solo singles out, but she has managed to command an ample
fan base—wider than some artists who have albums on the market. Folks attribute
this to her good sense of humor and friendliness.
In her
private life, Gabby is still single.
is the lyrics from the song WOWE
Wowe Mana Yaremye Byose
Uri Imana Y’ukuri
Wowe Mana Yaremye Byose
Uri Imana Nzima
Wowe Mana Yaremye Ukwezi
Uri Imana Itangaje
Wowe Mana Yaremye Izuba
Uri Imana Ihebuje
Chorus :
We Waremye Isi N’ijuru
Uri Imana Nkuru
We Waremye Isi N’ijuru
Uri Imana Itangaje
(Nzahora Nkwizera X2)
We Waremye Isi N’ijuru
Uri Imana Nkuru
We Waremye Isi N’ijuru
Uri Imana Ihambaye
(Nzahora Nkwizera X2)
Uri Imana Y’ukuri
Wowe Mana Yaremye Byose
Uri Imana Nzima
Wowe Mana Yaremye Ukwezi
Uri Imana Itangaje
Wowe Mana Yaremye Izuba
Uri Imana Ihebuje
Chorus :
We Waremye Isi N’ijuru
Uri Imana Nkuru
We Waremye Isi N’ijuru
Uri Imana Itangaje
(Nzahora Nkwizera X2)
We Waremye Isi N’ijuru
Uri Imana Nkuru
We Waremye Isi N’ijuru
Uri Imana Ihambaye
(Nzahora Nkwizera X2)
Wowe Wankunze Ntakuzi
Nzakuratira Abatakuzi
Wampaye Ubugingo Buhoraho
Nanjye Ndakwihaye Wese
Wowe Wankunze Ntakuzi
Nzakwiringira Iteka
Ur’inzira Igana Mu Ijuru
Nzakuratira Abatakuzi
Wampaye Ubugingo Buhoraho
Nanjye Ndakwihaye Wese
Wowe Wankunze Ntakuzi
Nzakwiringira Iteka
Ur’inzira Igana Mu Ijuru
Gospel Artist Justin Cubaka is set to promote his second album
An upcoming Rwandan gospel artist Justin Cubaka is set to
promote his second album in a another way.He's going to put his songs in
different competitions,both regional and international.
second album which will be composed of 10 songs,all in an accoustic music
style. According to Cubaka, he's shifting.Not from gospel music to secular but
simply from a diversity of playing different kind of music styles to one,and
that's Traditional ACCOUSTIC music.
album dubbed “Urukundo” a kinyarwanda word to mean ‘Love” . is recorded from
different studios ranging from Gates Pro to Mastola Pro passing by other
studios for arrangements. Cubaka has promised his fans the greatest album ever
which will feature renowned musicians, including Dekilo, Livingstone Brother
among others .
25-year-old guitarist is famous for his unique praise and worship compositions.
He says his vision is to promote his music on the international music scene.
Sis. Chandra (Our Rwanda Reporter )
23 June 2012
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John Shabani katika harakati za kuibua vipaji
Familia na watu
mbalimbali wamekuwa wakifika katika kituo cha kuibua vipaji vya watoto na
vijana hasa kupitia uimbaji. Mafunzo hayo yanaongozwa na kusimamiwa na mwalimu
wa muziki wa Injili Afrika mashariki, bwana John Shabani.
Moja ya familia
zilizofurahishwa na mpango huo wa John Shabani ni ile ya Cornel au Kazinja
Family maarufu kama familia ya mama wa kihindi. Tayari watoto wa familia hiyo
wameendelea kufanya vizuri katika uimbaji chini ya Mafunzo ya John shabani, na
baada ya siku chache watapelekwa studio kwa maandalizi ya kurekodi mkanda wa
audio na Video.
Mpango huo wa mwl
John umepongezwa na mamia ya watu akiwemo Mheshimiwa Waziri wa Habari, Vijana,
Utamaduni na Michezo, Dr. Fenella
Mukangara; ambaye hivi karibuni alikua mgeni Rasmi katika tamasha
lililoandaliwa na John Shabani.
![]() |
John Shabani na mazoezi ya pumzi |
John Shabani na Tanzania Gospel All stars
katika maandalizi ya wimbo maalum wa miaka 50 ya
uhuru wa Tanzania mwaka jana
katika maandalizi ya wimbo maalum wa miaka 50 ya
uhuru wa Tanzania mwaka jana
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Bi Naomy
Mwanadada Naomy ni
mmoja kati ya wimbaji wazuri katika kundi la Joybringers linaloongozwa na
Teacher John Shabani.
Akiwa nwenye furaha
Naomy na mamia ya wanzafunzi wenzake, leo wemehitimu course ya Nursing katika shule ya ST. GLORY SCHOOL OF NURSING
ya jijini Dar es salaam. John Shabani ni mmoja wa wageni walioalikwa katika
sherehe hiyo ya mahafali
Naomy akionyesha cheti
John na bi Naomy
Naomy na baadhi ya wanafunzi wenzake
21 June 2012
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Pia Rafiki Yetu Rulea anawashukuru wooote ambao wameendelea kuwaa
pamoja na yeye kwa hali na mali.
Haya ni maneno ya
Rafiki yetu Rulea:
Nawashukuru walionisaidia katika safari yangu kama Mchungaji Getrude Rwakatare (kwa maombi yako, Mungu akubariki sana mchungaji wangu), Billionaire (kwa mchango wako), Rosemary (kwa mchango wako na maombi yako), John Shabani na Emmanuel Mabisa (kwa jumbe zenu zenye kuleta faraja), Alex Kisonga (kwa faraja zako), Eve wa Double E (kwa moyo wako wa upendo wa kunitembelea nyumbani), Lister (kwa faraja zako, Mungu akubariki), Mzee Scina (kwa mchango wako), Alex (ninaishi naye kwa support yako), Odama (Jennifer Kyaka) kwa mchango wako na maneno ya kunifariji)), Macha (kwa faraja zako), Fadhili Emily wa Fadhaget Santarium Clinic (kwa mchango wako na neno lako la kunifariji) na wengine wengi pamoja na wewe unayepata habari hizi muda huu. Ukitaka kuwasilina na mimi piga +255 715 851523.
Nawashukuru walionisaidia katika safari yangu kama Mchungaji Getrude Rwakatare (kwa maombi yako, Mungu akubariki sana mchungaji wangu), Billionaire (kwa mchango wako), Rosemary (kwa mchango wako na maombi yako), John Shabani na Emmanuel Mabisa (kwa jumbe zenu zenye kuleta faraja), Alex Kisonga (kwa faraja zako), Eve wa Double E (kwa moyo wako wa upendo wa kunitembelea nyumbani), Lister (kwa faraja zako, Mungu akubariki), Mzee Scina (kwa mchango wako), Alex (ninaishi naye kwa support yako), Odama (Jennifer Kyaka) kwa mchango wako na maneno ya kunifariji)), Macha (kwa faraja zako), Fadhili Emily wa Fadhaget Santarium Clinic (kwa mchango wako na neno lako la kunifariji) na wengine wengi pamoja na wewe unayepata habari hizi muda huu. Ukitaka kuwasilina na mimi piga +255 715 851523.
20 June 2012
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Mmoja wa vionngozi wa Chama cha muziki wa Injili Tanzania, Mwl. John Shabani akichangia jambo katika semina hiyo
Mkurugenzi wa ukuzaji sanaa nchini Mzee Ruhala akiwa n katibu mtendaji wa Basata(Baraza la sanaa la taifa)
Viongozi wa LAPF wakieleza faida za kujiunga na Mfuko huo
Msosi baada ya Semina
Katika mwendelezo wa kutafuta kuboresha na kuleta heshima kwa wasanii wa Tanzania, mfuko wa pensheni za serikali za mitaa (LAPF), Umeandaa semina kwa Viongozi wa vyama vya wasanii katika ukumbi wa msimbazi centre.
Wasanii wameombwa kujiunga na mfuko huo ili kuboresha maisha yao yasasa na ya baadaye.
Pensheni ya uzee
Pensheni ya warithi
Pensheni ya ulemavu
Msaada wa mazishi
Mafao ya uzazi
Mafao ya kujitoa
The Local Authorities Pensions Fund (Mfuko wa Pensheni Serikali za Mitaa) - (LAPF)
Historia ya Mfuko wa Pensheni Serikali za Mitaa (LAPF)
Serikali za Mitaa Mfuko wa Pensheni (LAPF) kilianzishwa kwa Sheria LAPF No 9 ya mwaka 2006 ambayo kufutwa Serikali za Mitaa Mfuko wa Sheria No 6 ya mwaka 2000. tofauti kati ya Serikali za Mitaa wa zamani wa Mfuko (LAPF) na Mfuko wa Pensheni wa Serikali za Mitaa (LAPF) ni njia ya faida ni kuamua, wakati katika Mfuko wa zamani wa Mfuko wa ilipewa mamlaka ya Mchango defined mpango (DC), katika kinyume chake, Mfuko wa Pensheni zilizopo, Mfuko imepewa jukumu la Faida defined mpango (DB). mpango ambao kali mahesabu yake katika ngazi ya mchango wa mtu bima na kwingineko uwekezaji
Pamoja na mpango hufafanuliwa Benefit (DB), mchangiaji anastaafu juu ya mstari wa umaskini. LAPF sasa imekuwa kubadilishwa katika mpango wa DB na kutoka mapema mwaka 2007. Ni tayari kuanza kulipa pensheni kwa kundi yake ya kwanza ya kufuzu wastaafu ambao walikuwa wameajiriwa na Mamlaka ya Serikali za Mitaa.
Ambapo sisi sasa
ukuaji wa Mfuko katika suala la wanachama 65,000 katika mashina 2006 kutokana na ukweli kwamba wengi wa wanachama wa LAPF kuja kutoka Serikali za Mitaa, LAPF yenyewe, Bodi ya Mikopo ya Serikali na Taasisi inamilikiwa na Serikali za Mitaa. Waajiri wote zimepewa jukumu kwa LAPF Sheria Namba 9 ya mwaka 2006 kusajili wafanyakazi wao pamoja na Mfuko. Waajiri wote na wafanyakazi wanatakiwa kuchangia Mfuko wa kila mwezi, ambayo kisha hujilimbikiza kuwa kustaafu wafanyakazi faida. Kuanzia mwaka 2000, hii ya pamoja mchango inasimamia katika kiwango cha 20% ya mshahara wa mfanyakazi, ambayo sehemu mwajiri ni 15% na 5% itachangiwa na mfanyakazi. Hata hivyo, kiasi hicho ni kubadilika basing juu ya hesabu Actuarial ya Mfuko.
Ambapo sisi ni kwenda
mageuzi makubwa ya LAPF ni kutoa mpango DB. Mpango DB inalenga katika kuhakikisha kuwa mchangiaji anastaafu juu ya mstari wa umaskini. Oktoba mwaka 2006, Bunge la Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania kupita Mamlaka za Pensions Fund Bill ambayo kuona ubadilishaji wa sasa wa Serikali za Mitaa Mfuko wa Mfuko wa Pensheni Serikali za Mitaa. Bill itawezesha LAPF kulipa mafao ya pensheni katika Januari 2007.
LAPF sasa imekuwa kubadilishwa katika mpango wa DB na Januari 2006, itaanza kulipa pensheni kwa wastaafu 600 yake ya kufuzu ambao walikuwa wameajiriwa na Mamlaka ya Serikali za Mitaa.
Mpango huu ni wazi mabadiliko ya hatari kutoka kwa mchangiaji LAPF, hivyo lazima kuwa na Mfuko wa chanjo mbalimbali ya kufurahia sheria ya idadi kubwa ya ua yenyewe dhidi ya hatari husika.
Kwa mujibu wa Sheria ya 6 ya 2000 iliyoanzisha Mfuko, wanachama wa Mfuko ni:
• Wafanyakazi wote wa Mamlaka za Serikali
• Serikali za Mitaa Bodi ya Mikopo ya
• Serikali za Mitaa Pensions Fund
• Taasisi inayomilikiwa na Mamlaka ya Serikali za Mitaa
• Taasisi yoyote, Private au ya Umma, ambayo anaamua kujiunga na Mfuko.
Hivi sasa LAPF ina jumla ya wanachama 80,491 na idadi inatarajiwa kuongezeka.
Faida maoni ya chini ya Mfuko wa Pensheni
Chini ya Mpango wa Pensheni mpya, faida ambazo zitatolewa kwa mujibu wa kifungu cha 26 cha Sheria ya yamegawanywa katika sehemu mbili; ya muda mrefu na muda mfupi: -
Ya muda mrefu ya faida ni: -
Kustaafu Pensheni
Waathirika wa Pensheni
Invalidity Pensheni na
Muda mfupi faida ni: -
Kurudishwa kwa heshima ya Ndoa
Kurudishwa kwa mujibu wa uhamiaji au ukosefu wa ajira
Faida ya uzazi, Ugonjwa faida, Mazishi Grant na; Elimu ya ruzuku
mfuko huo tayari kuanza kulipa Long wote faida mrefu pamoja na faida uondoaji kama ilivyotolewa katika Sheria. Hata hivyo, faida nyingine zilizotajwa hapo juu ya kuanza kulipwa baada ya gazeti la serikali na Waziri.
Jinsi ya kutumia kwa faida ya
Ambapo mwanachama kustaafu au kuacha kazi kwa sababu yoyote, yeye / anaweza kuomba kwa ajili ya faida kwa kukamilisha na kutoa maombi ya Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Fomu husika pamoja na nyaraka sahihi
Usindikaji wakati
Baada ya kupokea fomu kamili kujazwa na upendo wa nyaraka zote husika kuunga mkono, manufaa kulipwa ndani ya mwezi mmoja. Katika siku za usoni, kwa njia ya juu kwenda jitihada za kuboresha teknolojia ya faida ya wote watalipwa tarehe ya kustaafu.
17 June 2012
Know Kambua, Like a Diva!
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you can now smile with pride. Meet Kambua, a Kenyan gospel artist currently
based in Canada. She has worked with Robert "R Kay" Kamanzi, Lukus of
Ogopa DJs, Chris Adwar (VUC), Gideon Kimanzi (Holy Battalion, Shtuko, Maximum
Melodies), Johari Studios among others. She has also sung a song co-written by
Mbuvi and Peter Kaberere of Jogg-C. She has been featured in TV commercials
such as Delmonte and Sunlight. She was a Heartstrings Ensemble actress. She has
also won a radio song competition and has also been to the famed Berkley School
of Music where Five Alive members studied (including Eric Wainaina). Scope her
bio as well as listen to the track Ngoma Tucheze from her album
Kambua was born and raised in
Nairobi, Kenya. Her gift of music was evident from a very tender age, and her
father nicknamed her, "Kasuni"(Kamba for bird). He said she was his
song bird. True to this, Kambua's love for music grew into a strong passion in
her teenage years. Her father a music lover (he plays the guitar), and her
mother an Evangelist, have been a great influence on her.
In 2002 following a solo at Parklands Baptist Church, everything else around her, spiraled into action. She then joined one of the Praise bands at Parklands Baptist Church (PBC) - Eneza. With Eneza she served for close to four years, and took part in 'He Lives', a music project by PBC to raise funds for the Solomon's Project.
Kambua first graced the Kenyan Music scene in 2004 with her song "Amani" (peace). Produced by Jonah Uzele and Co-written by Mbuvi and Kaberere (Jogg C). This song scooped the title for 'Best Solo Vocalist' in a competition that was sponsored by an Italian Government organization, and run by Radio Waumini.
In the summer of 2004 she sung and served in a Christian youth organization- Passport Incorporated, based in Birmingham, Alabama.
Between 2003 and 2004, Kambua often stepped in and worked as a Back Ground Vocalist for various artists including, Mbuvi, Bahati, and Kavutha (4 winds), therefore having the privilege of working with top-notch producers such as, Giddy(Kassanga), Jonah Uzele(formerly of Johari), Rkay(Shammah Boy), Lucas(Ogopa Deejays), and Chris Adwar(Phat stix).
In 2005, Kambua spread her wings into the theater industry and worked as an actress for Heartstrings Ensemble, featuring in shows such as 'Funny Business' and 'Something's Burning'. This also led to opportunities for her in the advertisement industry. Through Ogopa Deejays, she began to do jingles for commercials, such as 'Sunlight' and 'Delmonte'.
In 2002 following a solo at Parklands Baptist Church, everything else around her, spiraled into action. She then joined one of the Praise bands at Parklands Baptist Church (PBC) - Eneza. With Eneza she served for close to four years, and took part in 'He Lives', a music project by PBC to raise funds for the Solomon's Project.
Kambua first graced the Kenyan Music scene in 2004 with her song "Amani" (peace). Produced by Jonah Uzele and Co-written by Mbuvi and Kaberere (Jogg C). This song scooped the title for 'Best Solo Vocalist' in a competition that was sponsored by an Italian Government organization, and run by Radio Waumini.
In the summer of 2004 she sung and served in a Christian youth organization- Passport Incorporated, based in Birmingham, Alabama.
Between 2003 and 2004, Kambua often stepped in and worked as a Back Ground Vocalist for various artists including, Mbuvi, Bahati, and Kavutha (4 winds), therefore having the privilege of working with top-notch producers such as, Giddy(Kassanga), Jonah Uzele(formerly of Johari), Rkay(Shammah Boy), Lucas(Ogopa Deejays), and Chris Adwar(Phat stix).
In 2005, Kambua spread her wings into the theater industry and worked as an actress for Heartstrings Ensemble, featuring in shows such as 'Funny Business' and 'Something's Burning'. This also led to opportunities for her in the advertisement industry. Through Ogopa Deejays, she began to do jingles for commercials, such as 'Sunlight' and 'Delmonte'.
December 2005, Kambua left Kenya for Canada, to pursue her Bachelor of Arts in
Music at Ambrose University, her major being Classical Voice. Kambua continues
to perform in North America, and has sung with various worship bands. She was
recently a member of the Legacy Youth Conference (LYC) band, one of the biggest
youth events in Calgary, Alberta.
NISHIKILIE (hold on to me) - the 9 track gospel album, was completed in November 2005. It is a fusion of different genres of music that reflect the artists' discovery of herself. NISHIKILIE is an album birthed out of pain, and total dependence on God. "I am a true depiction of a life changed by love. Love and Grace that only God can give" - Kambua
In the summer of 2007, Kambua successfully completed a Performance Program at Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA. With lots in store that will reflect the growth of this young artist, "The sky is not the limit", she says. "There are no limits to what you can do when you are set free!"
NISHIKILIE (hold on to me) - the 9 track gospel album, was completed in November 2005. It is a fusion of different genres of music that reflect the artists' discovery of herself. NISHIKILIE is an album birthed out of pain, and total dependence on God. "I am a true depiction of a life changed by love. Love and Grace that only God can give" - Kambua
In the summer of 2007, Kambua successfully completed a Performance Program at Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA. With lots in store that will reflect the growth of this young artist, "The sky is not the limit", she says. "There are no limits to what you can do when you are set free!"
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