13 June 2012

Emmy Kosgei and Daddy Owen Kenyan Nominated for 2012 Africa Gospel Music Awards

Well Kenyan artists haven’t failed us yet since we have been well represented in The 2012 Africa Gospel Music Awards that is scheduled to take place today in the UK.

Among the nominees are Daddy Owen for his video ‘Dakika Tatu’, VKP as the Greatest Gospel Discovery of the year and Emmy Kosgei for her album ‘Ololo’. Well i wonder whether both Daddy Owen and Emmy Kosgei win this year, considering the fact that last year they won the Best Artiste (East Africa) and Best Female Artiste of The Year Awards at the AGMA.

2012 Groove Award winners Adawnage also got nominated this year for an AGMA in the category of Best Group/Choir of the Year with NTV’s Crossover 101 also in the running for Gospel TV Show of the Year. The Groove Awards event will battle it out with South Africa’s Crown Awards and the USA’s Talanta Awards for the event of the year.

From our Kenya reporter